Saturday, October 30, 2010

SAW In 3D, Black Ops and MOre

Its been a hectic lil couple weeks for me and stuff as far as me and the Doctor is concerned....

I am really dealing with 2 seperate but maybe connected issues, one is with my massive headaches(in which they are running test left and right for to see what is triggering them) and 2 is the memory problems i am having....

Hopefully next week we will know what exactley is triggering both, i go in for about a 4 hour exam next week to see about my memory, the First Tests were MEH, honestly, Doctor also thinks that i might be battling depression about the Memory Loss, i think thats a little steep, not sure its that. I get upset and frustrated but not sure if thats depression....  On a Positive my MRI came back great, so thats a plus....

In other not so sad news, in about a week and 2 days me and mute will be pair of Millions sitting at the Launch for Black Ops and honestly i cant freakin wait, i will say this, its the best money i have ever spent on a video game EVER!!! I still play that game to this day about a year later, and there is alot of new exciting things to come with the game....

Also counting down the days till i get to go home!!!!!!!!!!! that is gonna be amazing!!!!!!!!!!

I went and see SAW VII last night in theaters and honestly went there thinking i was gonna see it in 2D and when i got there they told me they werent showing it in 2D that they were showing it in 3D.... Well lets just say i was pretty mad, i didnt wanna see it in 3D i actually backed out the line and thought about it and the  $12.50 tickets(steep price) but none the less i hoped back in line and me and Jenn had a amazing time, it was a really good way to end the series, alot of twist and turns, great traps, and awesome new ones.... The whole 3D experience actually was really cool..... We had a blast and than afterwards ran into good ol the Colonel workin at KFC, we had to get a pic cuz he looked just like him....

well i think this is it  for now, not sure when i will blog again but it mite be soon....

thanks for reading this boring stuff.....

and btw sorry for the crappy spelling and bad use of those dot thingies!!!!!
